Welcome to the

website of REACT Project

Enhancing Albanian and Italian Youth to Support Disadvantaged Communities to become Climate Change Resilient through Art and Culture (REACT)

Our mission

REACT aims to develop youths’ awareness on the climate change issues

Inform Youth

on the Climate Change that is affecting the life of disadvantaged people, such as the Roma minority in Albania or Migliónico community in Italy.

Train Youth

to use culture and art to raise awareness on Climate Change in their communities.

Prepare Youth

to support and promote the communities' adaptation to the effects of Climate Change.

Preserving the earth for future generations

Academy of Climate Ambassadors

Academy of Climate Ambassador will host 20 young Albanians and 20 young Italians to become agents of change.

School Lectures

Open lectures addressing climate change will be delivered in schools in Albania, and in Italy

Art Exhibition

Art exhibitions showcasing youth artworks on climate change prevention and resilience will take place in Albania and Italy.

Green Actions

Planting trees and greening the environment activities will take place in Albania and Italy

Caring for the Earth starts with you taking actions!


Young activists will learn more about the negative effects of Climate Change in the people's lives in Albania and in Italy and in the world


Our actions will support local communities to take actions and transform their way of life to mitigate the Climate Change effects.

Latest Actions

Green thinking for better world

What we advocate to save our Planet

Go green and reduce your carbon footprint


Green Solutions


Renewable Energy


Efficient Recycling


Circular Economy